

  • Prepping
  • Blasting
  • Quality Finish

LoneStar Corrosion Services, Inc. offers multiple styles of blasting media types. We feel that, prior to coating, a proper blast along with proper prepping, insures a quality finished product in the end. Currently on site we have multiple indoor blast rooms that include the following: (2) 20 x 25 x 70 & (1) 20 x 20 x 20 (Indoor Controlled Blast Rooms). We offer the following services:

  • Aluminum Oxide
  • Steel Grit
  • Sugar Bead
  • Walnut Blasting

Aluminum Oxide

For heavily rusted and/or corroded items to remove existing material without compromise of structural integrity.

Steel Grit

Steel grit will quickly strip many types of surface contaminants from steel and other foundry metals. Steel grit is softer than aluminum oxide and does not fracture as easily. It creates superior adhesion of paints, epoxies, enamels, and other coatings.

Sugar Bead Blast

Fine grit, white silica sand. It creates a smoother surface without damaging the substrate. Used for light duty blasting, cleaning, and surface prep.

Contact Us For All Your Blasting Needs

15 + 12 =

9216 Windmill Park Lane
Houston, Texas 77064

